novel motivation


No doubt teachership is being a noble profession before the many eras. Teachers are respectful people in our society. But nowadays teachers are losing respect from society for different reasons. First of all, when they are joining this noble profession, they don't know how to survive in that society where is their school? They are facing so many difficulties from different angles. Every day they are struggling with their students, their parents, school management committee members, academic authorities, and also administrative authority from time to time. But nobody can ask him, how he is feeling today, after school time. And in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the struggles are plentiful and painful! We are being stretched in ways we never imagined.

In the meantime, they face so many family problems that to solve immediately. But no one can ask him, are you feel better? 
Teaching can be a very respectful job, but like everything in life, it’s not easy all of the time. So much can depend on your personality and outlook and whether you are suited to a certain age range or type of school. Every day they are facing the different classes to the different mentality students. 

After school, they are preparing the lesson plan, collecting teaching-learning materials(i,e available in the locality with minimum expenses or zero expenses), worksheets, audio-visual aids (if any) or stories....etc for the next day without rest. In my opinion, “the struggle” represents the internal fights we face as teachers, such as ; 

the struggles between coming unglued and staying patient with your students 

the struggles between wanting control and letting students run the learning show

the struggles between wanting to save money and wanting to buy more classroom supplies

the struggles between caring so much about students and not getting consumed by their problems

the struggles between implementing a District mandate and doing what you know the kids (or you!) need at that moment

Each class is different and so are the structures in place at each school, as they all have different ways of doing things.

Often if something is not done the way you are used to then you have to be willing and able to adapt. Sometimes certain issues such as student behavior crop up time and time again, don't worry about it. For that, you have to quit and take advice from seniors or find out its solution. 
To help our teachers overcome what can be an everyday issue in school I have some advice that I hope will help you out when you are feeling a little less enthusiastic about going back to school. There is often a student who presents a challenge, arriving late to class, whether it’s playing on their mobile phone, or purposely making a nuisance of themselves. If you are a new teacher or even if you are just having a bad day, it is important to remember not to show signs of being provoked by disruptive behavior. Remind the students of the class rules and if there is potentially an underlying issue it may be better to speak to the individual in private. 
the more methods you will have up your sleeve to manage certain situations. Ask another teacher for advice, observe other teachers' techniques, or look online, you are not alone. Again paperwork, low salary, lack of support, and long hours of work is a major gripe for most teachers and you may see some of it as being unnecessary, but it is usually there for a reason.

Remember that the more experience you have as a teacher. There are so many methods to manage unerupted situations. Out of that seven real struggles, only teachers understand.

Disciplining students without taking their liberty is quite hard to balance. ...

Trying their best to be a good role model in every way. ...

Pretending to be okay when they are actually not. ...

Being second parents to the students. ...

Adjusting to different kinds of students. ...

Being patient with students who do not like them. 

So many teachers are working long hours to keep on top of marking and lesson planning. Sometimes teachers are also

required to stay at school after classroom hours to assist with detentions and giving extra help to particular students. Getting your work and personal life in balance can be difficult. It is important that teachers get this balance as it can affect your health and performance levels. 

If you are struggling to get the right balance it can worthwhile to seek advice from your health and performance levels. If you are struggling to get the right balance it can worthwhile to seek advice from your peers, the most important thing to do is to make sure you talk about it. 

Thank You.


Novel Motivation

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